The Pioneers Academy

The Pioneers Academy

  • Mathematics

    GCSE Mathematics

    Examining Board: EdExcel 1MA1

    Aims of the Course:

    • develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts.
    • acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems.
    • reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
    • comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms.
    • appropriate to the information and context.

    Overview of the Course

    The weighting between the broad areas of the subject in the examinations will be approximately as follows:

    Topic Area






    Ratio, Proportion and Rates of change


    Geometry and Measures


    Statistics and Probability



    Examination and Assessment Methods

    Three (3) written papers

    Each paper lasts:

    • 1 hour 30 minutes (Foundation)
    • 1 hour 30 minutes (Higher)


    Each paper contains 80 marks

    • Papers 1F and 1H: Non-calculator, Papers 2F, 3F and 2H, 3H Calculator allowed


    Tiered papers:

    • Foundation Tier grades 1 - 5 available
    • Higher Tier grades 4 - 9 available


    Each paper assesses the functional elements of mathematics:

    • 30-40% on Foundation Tier papers
    • 20-30% on Higher Tier papers